Mixed Media Artist:
Mixed Media Painting, Collage, Printmaking: Monotypes, Collographs, Chine ColleEarth Series, M-M, 2015. Amena Butler |
Curated Exhibits: Gaylord-Pickens Oklahoma Heritage Museum, Oklahoma Indian Art Gallery, Owens Art Place Museum, Oscar Jacobson Foundation & Native American Cultural Center, Melton Art Library, the Plunge at Paseo, Langston University/OKC Campus, Langston University main campus, Greenwood Cultural Center, Red Earth Museum, Rose State College, Chambers Library UCO, and assisted with exhibits at the Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum, Satellite Gallery Science Museum, the Oklahoma Transportation Board and many more.
Art Resource Curator, Melton Art Reference Library
Gallery Assistant, Doris Littrell-Oklahoma Indian Art Gallery.
Teaching Artist
Museum Studies-University of Central Oklahoma.
OVAC Professional Grant winner, 2012
Amena grew up overseas in Far East Asia and has lived in Oklahoma for over 20 years.
Professional Affiliations:
Board Member Secretary, Owens Art Place Museum
Board Member Inclusion in Art(Art Committee)
Board Member Inclusion in Art(Art Committee)
Board Member Edmond Art Association (Historian and Exhibition Chair)
Board of Trustees Oscar Jacobson Foundation (past)
Board of Trustees Oscar Jacobson Foundation (past)
Ntu Art Association of Oklahoma, Inc., Curator and Art Committee (past)
Governing Board, Oklahoma African American Hall of Fame (past)
IAO Individual Artist of Oklahoma (Visual Art Committee)
Governing Board, Oklahoma African American Hall of Fame (past)
IAO Individual Artist of Oklahoma (Visual Art Committee)
International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists
NCS (National Collage Society)
OLA (Oklahoma Library Association)
OVAC (Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition)
Published In:
The Fine Arts Trader Publication, 2006-2015; The Oklahoman, October 2010, 2015, 2016; The Guthrie News Leader, Feb 2007, July 2007, 2014, 2016; Art Focus magazine, Sept/Oct 2010, 2015; Juxtaposition: Brunel Faris and the Visual Arts in Oklahoma City, 2008; Directory of Oklahoma Artists, 2016, 2007; Celebrate Oklahoma Voices, 2008, 2009,Oklahoma Heritage Center; OVAC blog, 2012
Edmond Art Association
ISA-Collage Artists Profile
Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition
Edmond Art Association
ISA-Collage Artists Profile
Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition