Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stress Test

Generally, how are your sleeping habits?

  1. I do not sleep well.
  2. I am sleeping okay.
  3. I sleep very well.
How do you feel when you wake up?

  1. I am usually still tired.
  2. l feel okay.
  3. I wake up energized.
Are you experiencing weight gains or fluctuations?

  1. I am gaining weight, especially around my belly.
  2. My weight is consistent, though higher than I’d like.
  3. I am at, or steadily working toward, a healthy weight.
Man blowing his noseHow often do you get sick? 
  1. All the time!
  2. I fall ill a few times a year.
  3. I am rarely sick.
Do you experience food cravings?
  1. I often give in to cravings for junk foods.
  2. My cravings for unhealthy foods are balanced.
  3. I satisfy my body’s cravings with healthy foods.
How often do you experience backaches and headaches?
  1. I often suffer from them.
  2. I get an occasional headache or backache.
  3. I rarely have a headache or backache.
Woman with stomach acheHow is your sex drive?
  1. It is very low or nonexistent.
  2. It is okay, but could be better.
  3. I am satisfied with my sex drive.

    How often does your gut act up?

    1. My gut often troubles me.
    2. I sometimes experience digestive upsets.
    3. I have a healthy digestive system that doesn’t act up.

    How are your levels of anxiety?

    1. I often feel anxious.
    2. I occasionally feel anxious.
    3. I am content and rarely anxious.

    How would you describe your general moods?

    1. I feel blue pretty often.
    2. I am doing okay.
    3. I generally feel happy.
Each answer is worth the number of points to its left. Tally up your points, and gauge your stress level on the following scale:
26–30 points: You are doing pretty well and experience low levels of stress.
20–25 points: You are dealing with a moderate amount of stress.
10–19 points: You are suffering from a high buildup of stress.

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