Tuesday, December 29, 2015

An Ode to 2015: Journal Prompts

Here are some fun journaling prompts and below are pages to do before you say good-bye to 2015. Journal pages done by Kathy Cano-Murillo the Crafty Chica.

What was a game changing moment for you?
What is something new that you tried, that you initially didn't want?
What was your hardest ugly cry, and why?
What was the turning point to give you hope again?
What was something that made you bust up laughing, even right now thinking about it, you want to laugh?
What was something nice and unexpected that someone did for you this year?
What was an act of kindness that you are proud you did?
What is a situation where you can admit you could have handled things a bit better?
Look at your resolution list from January 2015, what things did you accomplish, what things are you letting go to free your spirit? What things did you not complete, but are determined to do so, no matter what year!?
What is a new restaurant of food you discovered?
Every year we age, we pick up more wisdom. What is something you learned this year, either about yourself or about life in general?

What is one moment you wish you could relive?

To download the above journal page: lessons2015 

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