Friday, November 24, 2017

Know Thyself, You Are Ready, Make Things.

Austin Kleon-
"Don't wait until you know who you are to get started.
There is a psychological phenomenon in which some people are unable to internalize their accomplishments."

They may feel like impostor's, but none of us know what we are doing all of the time, we just have to show up and do it, do life, do art, do family, do whatever it is. We have to do it -everyday.

Fake It 'til You Make It
Yep, that old adage, it applies to people we admire, and it applies to us.
Kleon says there are two ways to look at it: Pretend to be something you are not until you are; Pretend to be making something until you actually make something.
Lets be honest, we have heard these specs of wisdom for so long, why is it we have to revisit them, what has not sunk in? Remember this one: You have to dress for the part you want, not what you have now, and you have to start doing the work you want to be doing. Hmm!

"Start copying what you love. Copy, Copy, Copy, Copy. At the end of the copy you will find your self." Yohji Yamamoto

Kleon talks about first having to figure out Who to copy (the easy part), and then figuring out What to copy (takes a bit of work). Who: you start copying people you like, people you are inspired by, people who do or behave in a way you want to be like. What: copy the thinking behind the person that inspires you, whats behind their work, you want to see how they see the elements.

It is said, if you just mimic the surface of someone's work without understanding where they are coming from, your own work will never be more than a imitation.

Studying your inspirations helps transform your voice into discovering how you see your own work. Adding something of your own to where they left off makes it unique. Keep looking, keep seeing, keep working, keep growing.
Just do-

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